Artifice: Black Box + White Box

I met Bobi at her debut show at [redacted]. Before her performance I asked her how she felt at the moment. She said she was super nervous with an adorably humble grin. Anyways, she killed it and I DM’ed her to perform at a gallery event I was hosting in Soho. She came to me to discuss how we should throw another event at a far larger scale.
This conversation is what initialized Artifice. We kicked it off late summer of 2023, with the plan of launching in October. To then got pushed out to February of the following year.
The name prior to Artifice was Entropolis - a portmanteau between entropy and +polis (policy as a state)
Entropy is generally illustrated as an indeterminable frequency of organic matter, typically described under scientific contexts. We wanted to channel this frequency into an event format, as that is exactly how Bobi and I collided. Artifice, or the concept of, doesn’t need to exist. We aren’t proving a thesis that new forms of social frequencies are the gateway to distribution, but rather we are intentionally setting the scene for more frequencies to attract potentially more cultural artifacts, such as Artifice.